Friends that’s the history of Nottolo;
As in every traditional Tuscan farm, we also have always had a dog to watch the house.
When I was young I grew up with black Bergamasco Sheepdog, named Dino.
Dino was a good friend of mine ever since I can, I remember his nice face all covered with black fur from which we sometimes could see very sweet eyes to control all movements.
When he passed away our family lost an important member who accompanied us on all our adventures at Podere La Marronaia since the purchase of the property.
In 2014 when I got the “Maturity Diploma” at the Istituto Agrario, our life has been turned upside down again as my family decided to gift me of a sweet Bergamasco Sheepdog puppy.
I called him Berger (DeiBeger di ValleScrivia on his pedegree), as the character of my favorite book (Come il Mare- Wilburn Smith), but in family we immediately called him “Nottolo” as a nickname.
In Tuscan dialect, “Nottolo” means a simple person, big in size, a bit lazy and very good in hearth.
This is our Berger, big in size and black hair he can cause sometimes scary, but he’s very sweet and very good … he is a real Nottolo.
The memory of Dino is still alive in us and our Berger looks very much as its predecessor.
When we decided to have a new wine, we could not skip the new family member: Nottolo della Marronaia is dedicated to our Berger but also to our dear Dino and all Bergamasco Sheepdogs.
That’s the reason because the Nottolo it’s one of the most important wine for us.
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