Harvest, the golden age.

Schermata 2016 09 03 alle 11.30.12 - La Marronaia -

Dear friends
An old Tuscan proverb says ” August ripens, September harvests”
It captures in full what happens in our vineyards during the summer ….
Our celebration began yesterday with the harvest of white grapes. The grape harvest is the most important time of year, we can finally see the fruits of our work and what will be our future wine.
The adventure of our family at Marronaia began in 2000. To celebrate the first harvest my parents chose to begin it on the day of my birthday, September 14. A manual harvest, without the aid of machines. This tradition is maintained even today.
My parents remember this first harvest especially as they could not believe having such beautiful and healthy grapes, defying the general disbelief in their inexperience and the biological methods that they had decided to adopt.
The first vintages were a feast for the family, relatives and friends attended, happy to be part of the “Marronaia” project and to be near us.
Now that the company has expanded the work has become a bit harder. During the harvest some of us are dedicated to the collection and grape choices, others are interested in the wine cellar and the work begins immediately.
Now it’s working time, harvest time, I cannot devote as much effort and time to write as I would like … but I will try to keep you informed on the progress of our collection.

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